NewsEventsWorkshop for architects - Reusing building materials in construction

Workshop for architects - Reusing building materials in construction

On 5 October 2023, Demo-BLog partners VITO and RUM will organise a workshop on Digital Building Logbooks (DBLs) and reusing building materials in architecture. The workshop will take place in Brussels, at Hoek 38, from 14h to 18h30.

As part of Demo-BLog, EnergyVille/VITO and RUM are partnering to develop and implement an automated circularity potential assessment for DBLs, and demonstrate how digitalisation of materials and building components can improve resource efficiency and facilitate future reuse and value retention. 

The workshop will provide a platform for open discussion and sharing of lessons learned on how to integrate circularity in architecture processes. Architects will be able to contribute with their insights on the perceptions, motivations, barriers and opportunities about reusing building materials and components in the building sector.

The program will also feature a demonstration of CIRDAX – a software tool for material passports – which will showcase how it can contribute to achieve architects’ circularity ambitions. 

Find out about the agenda of the event and how to register here.