Unlocking the potential of digital building logbooks

Demo-BLog is a 4-year project funded by Horizon Europe focused on unlocking the potential of digital building logbooks to achieve climate neutrality in Europe’s building stock.

What is Demo-BLog about?

Policy factsheet on digital building logbooks

Read one of our latest publications: the policy factsheet on digital building logbooks (DBLs). What they are, why they are relevant and to whom. It includes 3 key recommendations to fully exploit DBLs within the EU policy framework.

What are Digital Building Logbooks?

Digital Building Logbooks are common digital data repositories capturing, integrating and storing building data from across the construction market value chain. This all-in-one information tool is meant to encourage data transparency and availability and simplify decision-making for stakeholders across the buildings value chain. 

Four main functionalities of Demo-BLog

Latest news

Policy factsheet on digital building logbooks - A state of play
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Woningpas to become a community-driven platform thanks to Demo-BLog
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EFL Spring Conference & EERA JPSC Summer Event
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A collection of useful resources for stakeholders, including reports, research papers, and other relevant publications.

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