NewsNewsDemo-BLog meets in Brussels on their general assembly

Demo-BLog meets in Brussels on their general assembly

Last week, the 14 partners of Demo-BLog met in Brussels to celebrate the first general assembly of the project. The meeting took place on 12 and 13 September at the offices of the Building Performance Institute of Europe. This was a perfect occasion to get to know each other better and create synergies for the advancement of the project.

A packed but fruitful agenda

On the first day, each work package gave an overview of the current status of their tasks and upcoming deliverables, and presented the development stage of each digital building logbook (DBL) –CAPSA, CIRDAX, Woningpas, Chimni and CLEA-. These sessions included a discussion part to brainstorm and share ideas around the pilots of the five DBLs. The last hour of the day allowed participants to discuss more broadly about any other topic or challenge that hadn’t yet been addressed. In the morning of the second day, we had some time for more work packages’ presentations as well as a session to explore cross synergies and dependencies.

First meeting with the advisory board

The day ended with a very enriching session with the advisory board of the project, which was meeting online for the very first time. The first part of the two-hour meeting was dedicated to introducing the board to the project and presenting the five pilots of Demo-BLog to the group of advisors. After that, the consortium counted with the insightful questions, reflections and advice from the members of the board.

The role of the advisory board is to provide advice and guidance to the Demo-BLog consortium and help disseminate the project’s results. It is formed by stakeholders from construction companies, product manufacturers, real estate, financial institutions, policymakers, logbook providers, designers and architects, and the scientific community among others.

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